
Monday, January 13, 2014

Big day today

Hey everyone, 
Today is surgery day. Nolan looks good. He behaved really well last night. He is ready. Many people have asked what this surgery is called. This surgery doesn't have a name. This is more like work with what we have and get that baby some blood to his lungs. There are a few options they can do and hopefully the right one will take place. Our understanding is more than likely there will be a shunt involved. We have prayed all night that he will tolerate the surgery and that it will work. 

I met a girl in the hall the other night when I was having a very week moment. She hugged me and gave me so much hope. Her baby,Sadie, is here in the hospital. They were told that Sadie would never wake up that her brain was damaged. She is ten weeks old and became really sick. Sadie woke up! She is out of the ICU and is on the floor with her sweet mommy. She is a living miracle! Her daddy is a preacher and he had done a sermon on Jesus being the key! Jesus is the key to our lives. They kept a key with Sadie through her struggles and prayed really hard for her miracle. Last night, Sadie sent Nolan a key! It has been in his bed since then and we have arranged for the key to go to the operating room with him this morning. We will never forget that Jesus is the key! 

Our friends Lauren and Wesley who have baby John Pearson Clay are here in the PICU. John Pearson and Nolan were neighbors in the Picu after surgery in December. They have been cheering for each other since. John Pearson's mommy sent me a devotion this morning that really is perfect 

I believe we will see his power and glory today. Please continue to pray that this surgery takes without complications. Pray for Nolan's strength. Please pray hard for the medical staff that will care for him. And please remember sweet Sadie and John Pearson in your prayers as well. 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged. For The Lord is with you wherever you go. 
Joshua 1:9 

This was the k-love verse today. Perfect! 

His game face is on. Come on buddy you can do this! 

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