Hey everyone! Today was a great day! Last night I got the best night of sleep I have had the whole time I have been here. I told mom before we even went to our appointment I felt like this was just going to be a great day! We had an appointment at 8 this morning. Nolan was doing great and got good scores. We also measured him and he was weighing in at 7 pounds 2 ounces which is perfect. We are very happy with this! Now for the best news of the day! We have a date. We will be induced wednesday morning July 24th! Nolan has an established birthday finally (unless he decides he wants an earlier one) Brent and I are so excited. We have four more appointments this week 2 on Thursday and 2 on Friday. I will update as they come. After the appointment mom and I spent the day out and about. We had a long visit with Liz Fisher Weissinger and Paige Daugherty. So glad to get together with such sweet friends! UMC hosted a baby shower for the high risk patients tonight so we went to that and it was really nice and helpful. It was centered around baby safety. All in all, it really has been a fantastic day! Brent is coming to be with me tomorrow for the long haul!I will update again as the appointments go by! Nolan will be here in a week!!!! Thank you all who have been saying prayers for us. We feel so blessed and thankful. The lord has blessed us so much already along this journey. We are forever grateful.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged, for the lord your god will be with you wherever you go Joshua 1:9
Yall our in our prayers.